Web Services in C, REST, SOAP and WS-*

Monday, March 3, 2008

Developer Guide needed about Axis2/C internals

I think it is time to have a sound developer guide for Axis2/C web services stack as there are increasing number of developers all over the world contributing to the project. While I was writing Sandesha2/C module for Axis2/C I found it very difficult to cope with the Axis2/C engine internals when it comes to memory handling and scope management. For example you need to have a through understanding about life time and scopes of axis2_msg_ctx, axis2_op_ctx etc. It is good if someone explains about deployment model about timeouts, about good to know functions, how to reuse service client in your client application, about http_transport_info struct etc. etc. I will start working on a article explaining these as time permits.

1 comment:

A live journal of our life together for future reference said...


I came across your blog post looking for info on savan/C . Is there any reference doc for a newbie? Please let me know.

-- anees